Friday, April 9, 2010

The Story of Amber Red Ale

The Story of Amber Red Ale
American Amber Ale, also known as American Red Ale, is the top fermenting version of the American Style Amber Lager.

It is particularly popular because of the fruity-ester aroma, bright copper color, and slightly sweet flavor.

This style is more aromatic and has more of an aggressive flavor profile than that associated with the American Style Amber lager.

The Aroma of apple, pear and cherry comes from the top fermenting ale yeast to ferment these beers.

American brewers use particular American grown and develop hops (usually Cascade) to impart a citric, almost grapefruit impression to both the aroma and the flavor.

This flavor profile is unique to this style.

The Associations of Brewers’ 2004 Beer Style Guidelines state that this style of beer is “characterized by American variety hops used to produce high hop bitterness, flavor, and medium to high aroma.

Amber ales have medium-high to high maltiness with medium to low caramel character.

They should have “medium to medium high body.”

Most of these beers have alcohol contents between 4.5 and 6 percent by volume.
The Story of Amber Red Ale

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